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    来源:http://www.oubaoqx.com/ 发布时间:日期:2023-08-21
    The purpose of regular car maintenance is to solve the problems that occur on a regular basis, so as to restore the car to its optimal state, prevent problems from getting bigger, and ensure the safe driving of the vehicle. Therefore, regular maintenance is very necessary. The following is an introduction to regular maintenance:
    1. Regular maintenance refers to the regular maintenance and upkeep of vehicles to maintain their performance and extend their service life. It is a common thing to do when using vehicles, and valuing maintenance quality is almost equivalent to valuing the safety of vehicle use. Only by regularly maintaining the vehicle according to its mileage can it maintain its optimal working condition and ensure safe use.
    2. Daily car maintenance is very important. Slightly neglecting daily maintenance not only causes unnecessary damage to the vehicle, but also endangers driving safety. If there is a lack of lubricating oil, it can cause cylinder pulling and tile burning, and a certain part of the vehicle may malfunction, leading to traffic accidents, etc; On the contrary, if daily work is done carefully and conscientiously, it can not only keep the vehicle up-to-date, but also grasp the technical conditions of various parts of the vehicle, avoiding mechanical accidents and traffic accidents.